Cai Songda


“Underwater photography requires a unique perspective and an agile enthusiasm. Ever since he was young, Wowie had an interest in exploration, which eventually led him to pursue Black Water photography. He has won numerous awards in various international photography competitions and has been publicised in many famous magazines. His works have been exhibited in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, USA, Natuur Museum in the Netherlands, and in Venice, Italy. His photographs have also been reported by Chinese and International media channels.
Wowie’s ability to blend colour and light in underwater macro photography is nothing short of amazing, and he has long since specialised in Black Water Photography – a medium in which the wonder of these sea creatures are emphasised. Just like the stars shine brighter in the pitch-black skies, the dark seas also give photo subjects a unique glow – which can only be attained in black waters! For him, being able to explore the depths of the ocean is one of the most wonderful experiences in life, and he hopes to show you its unique beauty through his works.