EVENT NOTICE: Novel Coronavirus Update (Feb 11, 2020)


Dear esteemed exhibitor,

The organising committee of ADEX Asia Dive Expo have been monitoring the situation in Singapore closely in relation to the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). We would like to assure you that we are taking this matter firmly and are working closely with the relevant government advisories of Singapore with the latest updates on the current situation.

As of Friday, February 7, 2020, the Singapore Government has raised the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level to ORANGE code, which means “moderate disruption” and the Ministry of Health Singapore has mandated that there is yet no evidence of widespread community transmission in Singapore and ongoing events are planned with added precautions which is in line with the latest advisory from Singapore Ministry of Health.


ADEX Ocean Vision 2020 in Singapore on April 17-19 at Suntec Singapore will continue as planned. If the situation worsen and the Singapore government and the Ministry of Health have raised the DORSCON level to the “RED” code, the event would then be advised to a postponement and a deferment to a later date. As an organising committee of ADEX, we will then provide all our esteemed stakeholders, partners, exhibitors, speakers and visitors an extensive detail on an alternative action plans.

We will continue to work in partnership with the relevant government authorities and agencies and take all necessary measures in accordance with the latest advisories published by the Singapore Ministry of Health and the Singapore Tourism Board.

We will be updating the regular updates on the ADEX website in the coming days, with further information and answers to any questions you might have. For more information on DORSCON “Orange“ code, please visit https://www.gov.sg/article/what-do-the-different-dorscon-levelsmean

Statement from Singapore Tourism Board

“We are working closely with Underwater360° to support the continued success of Asia Dive Expo. We are committed to standing by our MICE industry to provide the support required, and we believe that Singapore’s reputation as a preferred destination for MICE events remains strong. The health and safety of locals, visitors and industry partners remain a priority and we will continue to monitor the situation,”

Mr Andrew Phua, Director of Exhibitions and Conferences, Singapore Tourism Board.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
ADEX Asia Dive Expo
Organising Committee